While creating a maven archetype for a project skeleton, I encountered a weird bug with .gitignore that was not being copied into the generated project even though it was specifically included in the corresponding fileSet in archetype-metadata.xml:

<fileSet encoding="UTF-8">

Here .editorconfig and both mvnw scripts were being copied into the new project, but .gitignore was not

It turns out that there is a list of default excludes in plexus-utils used internally that also includes the .gitignore file (For specific discussion about this see MRESOURCES-190). The fix is simple but not obvious and somewhat hard to google. Simply add maven-resources-plugin with addDefaultExcludes configuration set to false to your archetype pom.xml and the problem should be fixed:

              <!-- Required so that .gitignore gets included in archetypes -->
              <!-- see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOURCES-190 -->